My thoughts
on why people would want to go into Uniqlo (with 910371839192719109 people in it) and even camp outside for the opening, *gasp*

I reckon that they are all kookoos. Either that or tomorrow is the end
of the world and Uniqlo is selling tickets for the secret rocket flying to

-Quoted from the oh-so-brilliant me

I mean it's not just about looking like a hipster, right?

Fashion is also about saving lifes (not so much) and that is much more important.

I guess all the not-so-cool kids (like me) can't get on board and rocket out to such a cool place (Mars) with all the cool kids. =(

-But I think I like Earth more without all the "cool" kids. Cause then we can all openly discuss how Powerpuff Girls changed our lives and not be deem a freak. Life's a bliss.