Why you should love the Germans 101
No, no and no.

First throw away all the stereotypes.

Then, get rid of the images of German sausages, beer and pork knuckles forming in your mind.

Lastly, you just need to sit back and let images drown you to death.

1) Short people are awesome. But shorties and giants living together in harmony? Outstanding!


2) Role Playing is fun!!!!


They celebrated Halloween even before Halloween. Poldi is a Harry Potter Wannabe while Muller is more than happy to be the object for the experiment.

When they're not busy experimenting with magic, they're stacked on pandas.

While Lahm just wants to be a father and take care of his younger colleagues.

3) Yoga is the new football.


4) Double or nothing.


Lookie look!!!!! This is the longest finger among all the fingers!!!!

5) Babies in the team.

Nominee no.1- Mesut Ozil

Nominee no. 2- Thomas Muller

............... TO BE CONTINUED.............

- I'm darn tired now. If I don't sleep now, I might die and turn into a zombie.