Ignorance isn't bliss

All that have eyes can see that, that's clearly the David I like. David cook. And guess what?! He won. Yeah, not very big news to me cause I knew he definitely will win. But to the double C who supports the other David [I don't even know how to spell his last name], Cinder and Crystal, IN YOUR FACE!!!!!

Just because he sings rock doesn't mean he's a Chris Daughtry wannabe. He's just being true to the rocker he is. He beats the other David by getting 56% of votes from all the vote. He beats the other David by 12 million votes. The other David doesn't even come close of winning. Americans, you have sense!!!!!!

Crystal, Your baby is going down and he had.

Now I can be back to being childish cause I've won!!!!

Cinder likes conclusions.

So here is the one I get from our bet and battle of the davids.


Just a short post to celebrate my victory and David Cook's victory.


the blog owner.


I've got my hands on the Panic At The Disco's album. [Gosh, I'm such a spoiled kid.] Now, I'm a happy hobbit dinosaurer. And I'm planning to kidnap the oh-so-dorky Panic At The Disco. Even though I miss the crazy tittle and the bombastic lyrics from the last album but I think I'll get used to the grown up and happy Panic. I mean if someone ask me to dress like what I've been dressing when I'm YOUNGER, I would screw them and smack them in their face and tie them up on a railway and let them run over by a train. *laughing like a maniac* Muhahahahaha~~


I saw my primary friend after my guitar class today. Guess what?! They're dressed in whore short shorts and not to mention fob style. I mean wtf?! where is the risk!!! It just screams "I'm f-ucking trendy, cheap and not to mention pretty easy." Like hello?!!!! They dressed to kill and congratu-f[ucking]lation, they've succeed. You blind my eyes and kill my sense. I hope you burn in hell... wait, devils are hot right? So no, they ain't going to hell. Those lala are going back to where they belong, underwater.

I was watching American Idol season marathon and this girl Kristy Lee Cook said that she thought she was a dog when she was young and she will barked at people with her arms and knees on the floor. [LOL] Yeah, and I thought I was a dinosaur. I will RAWR at people all the time [I still do it now]. And I hate humans cause they kill my friends and family. And I possessed a human body so I can destroy mankind and bring back my fellows dinosaurer. Since I'm a tiny dinosaur, I'm a hobbit dinosaurer. *RAWR-RAWR-RAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWRRRRR* I know you don't know what I'm talking about cause I'm talking in my own language. *laugh like a maniac once again!!!!!* Muahahahaha~~

And because I'm such a pathetic Lame-O. I actually made a dress for my Barbie who's been abandoned for a long time. Usually I hate Barbie for being such a skinny stick bitch. But because of her skinny stick plastic body, she fits all the crap so well. Including the one I made. Yes, it's very poorly constructed and made. but come one it's Barbie we're talking about. She made garbage bag look decent [almost]. Still I hate her. But like her a little bit now cause she's made my crap look like good crap. =)

Even though the dress is a mess and screw up, I love the hair.



Back To The Pretty. Odd
All hail Panic At The Disco without a "!"

Sorry, I betrayed DBSK. Even though I love top hats and dramas. BUT Panic At The Disco rock the top hats better. And I'm not kidding.

I mean look at them!!! They're the better dorks. Even though DBSK are dorks too. But they are hard to resist even without my favourite "!". Who can do that other than Panic? They make music desirable. At least for me. LOL. More reasons to love them.
Look at the photo above ^.... The background big white house!!! [Although it looks like it's been made of cardboards.] Look at Jon and Spencer's facial hair!!!! Look at Ryan top hat!!!! Look at Brendon's coat blending in with the chair!!! Sum it up and you get perfection. Yes, I'm a pervert. Yes, I have a sick sense of humor. I'm laughing like no tomorrow. Haha~~ Note my sarcasm.

Spencer, let me tell you... You rock. [We always get stuck with really a lot more famous people behind us so everybody's like "Oh, fine, go, go, get out of the way. Miley Cyrus is behind us." ] Quoted from Spencer at the Grammy's. Amusing, Spence. Like anyone's ever gonna ask you to leave. At least not me. Miley who? Oh, Miley Cyrus. [She is just another Disney wannabe. Kids shouldn't be dying over nothing. If you want to die, I'll help you. You can die over my fabulousity.] Eww... I f-ucking hate her. Get all your weapons girl!!! We're gonna hunt down the evil witch that's been hurting our poor ears and eyes.

Everyone should go watch this. This is so funny. Panic's fans be prepare to laugh till you drop. I'm a lame-o.

Reasons why Panic are more awesome than DBSK:
1) They have great sense of humor in a language that I can actually understand. [Yay, I understand English!!!!]
2) They go on tour, live in the tour bus and sleep in a small small small small small [spaceless] small small small small small bed. [Hobbits!!!!]
3) Ryan steals his scarfs from the hobbits (Frodo). [Won't the scarf be too small? Or do hobbits make the scarf a size bigger and trip on it?]
4) They make great music. [Yay. No dancing/ pop music]
5) They are Pretty. Odd. [You've gotta know what I'm talking about. Scroll down.]
6) Panic have facial hair. [It's weird.]
7) They're geeks and dorks. [How can someone be both at the same time?! *Amazed*]
8) They speak the language Funny. [We're in the mulandkajijeofhahufunnynunili.]
9) They wear things that look like they're from 9103828362946294728436294 years ago and that they just dug it out. [Maybe they steal their clothes from the dinosaurs breeder.]
10) They don't dance. [Maybe with their guitar? Yes?!]

I have to get my hands on this album. If not I'm gonna turn into a friggen' hobbit dinosaur and steal Ryan's scarf from Ryan and give them to my fellow hobbit dinosaurer!!!! It's PRETTY. ODD!!!!

At The grammy's. Brendon and Sepncer trade their dad's clothes. Seriously, No. I'm kidding. Hell no. I'm as serious as a drunk. Look at their shiny shoes. [LOL] There's no secret. We all know what you dressed. I guess, kinda. I don't know. I don't care?! Ahhhhh!!! Typing on computer is hard. :D


I will hide my name and my blog forever!!!!
Muhahahaha!!! I'm a GENIUS!!!

[Review] The Kite Runner
This is a review for the book 'The Kite Runner'.

I promise that there won't be any sarcasm, irony and I won't exaggerate things in this post. There isn't going to be fancy words here. I promise it on top of my family name. This is 100% genuine and real. I'm showing my serious, stern side as a blogger and a person and also a reader who appreciate this work of art.

The Kite Runner talks about the narrator, Amir and Hassan's childhood in the first part of the book. When war strikes, Amir and his father went to America and the second part is about how they adapt to life in America. The final part is how Amir trying to find Sohrab in Kabul who is in the hands of Taliban. I don't want to talk much about the story plot cause I don't want to spoil the story for those who haven't read, reading it or is about the read it. The story itself is about relationship, family, love, betrayal and salvation.

The author of the book, Khaled Hosseini did not only talk about Amir's life in Kabul and America. It also talks about what the Afghanistan struggle to survive and what happen to the people who are left behind when the Taliban took over the place. The people in the book are Muslims. It makes me understand more about a world that I never knew. Living in this Muslims country, I never knew a thing about their religion. But now, I do see that they really believe in Allah. It makes me realize that there's a lot of things I don't understand and yet to understand but as I know it little by little, I want to take a big step and think in different and everyone's perspective.

I never knew what struggling is until I read only a very little of it in the book. I never knew that people have to do many many tough things that's beyond my imagination just to survive. I never knew that people would kill and push others away just because someone is different. I never knew life is that hard for people that are half the world away from us. I never knew that people have to put away pride and dignity just to survive. "Don't ever stare at them! Do you understand me? Never!" It says in the book. I never knew that friendship and loyalty is something that is so beautiful crafted. And I never knew that there's salvation. I never knew that a book does things like that to people. I never knew a lot of things.

I'd be lying I say I didn't cry like a newborn baby. I'd be lying if I say I wasn't sobbing. I'd be lying if I say I didn't have an emotional breakdown. I'd be lying if I say I understand the words and didn't have the scan the phrase over again to understand it. I'd be lying if I say my heart didn't thump when I understand the words.

If you're reading the book and you find it hard to understand, that just means you need to understand more about the world. You need to open your eyes and feel. You need to live to feel the way I feel. I'm in love with every page, every sentence, every phrase and every word yet I cry for every page, every sentence, every phrase and every word. I found myself in extremely awe and more emotional than I ever felt when I finish the book. I felt like the people in the book are not just fiction characters, they are a symbol of life. They are not perfect, they have their ups and downs and they're as emotional as I am. I felt linked with them.

You will feel the way I feel if you understand them. Understand that even though they're different from us, there's still similarity that keeps us as one.

I just finished the book like 20 minutes ago. I don't want to just say it's a great book. Because that'd be a humiliation to the book and also the author. To type this review, I'd been pausing on every sentence I finished typing. Because I simply don't know how to put it in words anymore. I'm struggling to find the perfect word for it. Please forgive me if I didn't give the book the credit it deserves cause I'm still in awe and extremely emotional. All the words in the world couldn't describe how I feel and what I think of this book. My hands are trembling as I'm typing this as the scenes in the book are replaying in my head. It does so many things to me, it makes me feel that it's not just a simple book anymore. It's a way to communicate with people, to know, to feel and to understand others .
This is the kind of art that everyone is looking for.

For you, a thousand times over.